Outdoor education

Kids are flowers
don’t put them in a vase,
they grow up better outside,
with the light on their nose.
With the sun on their forehead
and the wind that blows their hair,
kids are flowers
let them grow up in meadows.

Roberto Piumini

Outdoor life is a very good thing for our health, wellness and development.
Modern life-styles have drastically reduced the time we spend outside, at the expense of significant experiences and growth opportunities.

At Tick Tack Kids, children retrieve daily contact with nature, nature that changes and branches out season after season, exploring the nature wonders in our big garden, and taking care of the plants planted in the Snail’s vegetable garden then eat its fruits and vegetables.
The “From the garden to the table” project, introduces the kids to a healthy and proper nutrition since early childhood.

This direct and constant contact with nature allows the children to experience a huge amount of motor-skills experiences, like running, jumping, crawling, climbing, keeping the balance, hiding.

Nature is like an intelligence lab: kids get the opportunity to manipulate things in order to better understand them, getting more knowledge about things through experimental testing, create thoughts, formulate new theories, solve problems, match and use objects in a completely personal way.

Outdoor space enables kids to live the happiness and joy of moving freely and expressing their wellness; walking barefoot on the grass, laying on the ground, crouching are sensations of movement in space that generate awareness of our own bodily-self.

Snail’s vegetable garden: between heaven and earth
The choice of placing a vegetable garden within the outside area of the nursery is explained by the fact that it helps the direct contact between the child and nature, but also improves the knowledge of various plants and animals, the understanding of their own manual skills and creative skills, curiosity, the good habit of observing natural phenomena and a better sensitivity towards environment.
Taking care of a plant through its various steps: sowing, seedling and then watch it becoming a fruit plant, enables the child to find out the magic of growing admiring the fruit of their own work.
